Being different
brings energy
Better together, happier together

We take a slightly different approach to things, so our starting point is always the positive. How else could we be, with the cheerful gerbera as our main product? Our products and working practice give us energy which we pass on through the entire supply chain.
Unique concept and products
We like to share responsibility for what's on the shelf as well as for end-user satisfaction. Which is why we have our own design department devising ready-made bouquets and displays for the flower shelf in retail outlets. Thanks to years of retail experience, amassing data, spotting trends and working closely with our customers, we can offer unique, tailor-made products for our customers.

Unique optimisation
We believe it is important to take a step forward every day, towards a more efficient working day and a sustainable world. Our optimisation team keeps us fully focused on this. This is partly why we were the first gerbera nursery to grow hybrids on a large scale under LED lighting. By learning through practical experience what the impact of this is, we hope to become the first nursery to grow gerberas entirely under LED lighting.

Unique varieties
We supply a unique range of gerberas, because half our varieties have been bred by ourselves. Florya Breeding, as our breeding department is known, creates new varieties which are distinctive in colour, shape, or a combination both. Together with input from the entire supply chain, we eventually select those gerberas which go into full-scale cultivation. So we know for sure that our unique range is what the customers want.

Uniek in producten & concepten

Uniek in optimalisatie

Uniek in soorten
LG Flowers
in numbers
Better together,
happier together
Focus on sustainability
Closely bound and personal
Our certification
Pushing boundaries
Knowledgeable partner
Over three generations, we have grown to become a trusted player in the flower market. Traditionally, the customer has always been central, but once Joyce joined the company, the end-user was also added to the mix. Having the same mindset as our customers is what I enjoy most about sales, and thanks to our many years of experience, I can justly say that we are knowledge experts in the eyes of our customers.